This is a Love Story I produced for Robyn and Sean. Sean was one of the first people I met upon moving to California back in April of 1999, as we both were somewhat new to the area, and working at the Olive Garden in good old Glendale.
We kept in touch over the years, him even acting in one of my films over the past decade. We lost touch for a while as our careers took different paths, until he got in touch with me last Spring about his recent engagement. He wanted me to film his wedding, which happens to be in Maryland, a nice bonus as that is my home state, and he was hoping for a cool video to show at his reception. The following is what I created for them, after a 3 hour film shoot the day before they moved back to Maryland from Los Angeles.
The phone call. I sent Sean the link to this video last night, and the call I got this morning was about as much reward as any filmmaker could EVER ask for. I heard tears of joy over the phone, and this from a guy’s guy- a guy not used to shedding tears. He let me know just how much the video put everything in perspective, and what he was getting into- and how excited, and yet calm it made him. He and Robyn have been experiencing last minute wedding planning issues, which can stress anyone out- and him telling me that watching that video put his mind at complete ease, and made everything he’s going thru now, WORTH IT, just was the best start to a day anyone could ask for. We talked for literally over 45 minutes, and if I had been recording that phone call, I probably could have used it as the best infomercial ever.
Just an example of how much satisfaction, and how gratifying it is when my work can really touch people, and remind them of what’s important in life.
It’s very easy to get caught up in the day to day trivial things that bother us, and linger with us. And while there are many reminders to us each day as to what’s important (if we are paying attention), it’s nice to know that a simple video can be the best remedy around. Today, and until the end of days.